The peacock is a symbol of beauty, grace, and elegance, and is often used in Indian art and culture. The Suyogah Brass Ethnic Curved Peacock Handle Design 5" is a perfect gift for anyone who loves peacocks or for those who appreciate fine craftsmanship and design. It is a beautiful addition to any home decor, and its timeless appeal ensures that it will be cherished for years to come.The curved design of the handle adds to the functionality of the piece, making it easy to hold and use. The item can be used as a spoon or a decorative item, and its unique design is sure to be appreciated by anyone who loves brass art and culture.
Length:12.5 cm ( 5 inch )
Width:5 cm ( 2 inch )
Height:11.2 cm ( 4.5 inch )
Weight:0.22 Kg
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Dispatch Time : 2-3 Working Days
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